Japanese Canadian 3 Pitch League
Spring Means JC3-Pitch is Season is Fast Approaching!
Spring is in the air and the Japanese Canadian 3-Pitch Baseball League is preparing for its’ 37th year at the end of May. The league is calling out for Sponsor and Players.
The non-profit League, founded in 1987, is Co-ed, with Women and Men, between the ages of 18 and 70+ and skill levels from beginner to intermediate. Its’ main objective is to provide a social, yet competitive environment for persons or families of Japanese Ancestry to participate and socialize together, to meet others sharing similar culture, heritage and interests, to have fun and make new friends.
Games are held on Sunday (excluding the July/August long weekends) mornings (9:30-12:00) from the May long weekend to the end of August in the Warden and Steeles Avenue area (Scarborough/Markham border). They host post-game BBQ’s during the season and provide a subsidized banquet in September. Each team pitches to their own players (players hit every inning) in a slow pitch/lob ball format.
Membership Deadline: April 30th, 2023
First-Received, First-Enrolled.
Membership Fee: $75.00 (no increase in 21 years!)
Includes: Team Sweater, Team Photograph, Refreshments at all games, League BBQs, Subsidized Banquet with Trophies & Door Prizes, All bases, bats, balls and other equipment, (players are asked to supply their own glove)
First Day of Play: Sunday, May 21st
If you would like additional information about the J.C. 3-Pitch League, would like to Register to Play or would like to inquire about Sponsoring a Team, please contact one of the following committee members or check out their website: www.jc3pitch.com for Registration Forms and Information or contact one of the following:
Jon Nagamatsu Jon.Nagamatsu@rogers.com
647-988-5036 (evenings)
Bob Doi email: JC3Pitch@gmail.com
email: RobertDoi@Hotmail.com

The League
The prime directive of the league has always been to provide a social, yet competitive environment for persons or families of Japanese ancestry to participate and integrate together, to meet others sharing similar culture, heritage and interests, and to have fun and to make friends.
League Documentation
Rules | Location | Membership | Schedule